The Art & Science of Drawing

Drawing is not a talent. It's a skill anyone can learn.

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33 students enrolled
Created by Aarav Lynn
Last updated 23.03.2020
English, German
English, German
€19.90 €19.90 (0% off)
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This course includes
22 hours on-demand video
3 articles
8 downloadable resource
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion
What you'll learn
How to draw any shape.
How to draw any form by breaking it down into basic shapes before adding dark lines.
How to hold the pencil.
How to observe and analyze any subject.
How to use light lines and basic shapes to lay an accurate foundation for finished drawings.


The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time.

The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice.

The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available.

Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in painting as well.

Most master painters agree that drawing is a fundamental and essential skill for all painters.

BASIC SKILLS is the perfect primer for anyone wanting to learn to draw.

The skills you'll learn here will dramatically improve your art & design no matter what medium you work in.

This bestselling course is now even better with new content recently added as well as improved picture and sound.

This updated version of the course now includes hours of bonus drawing demonstrations that will show you how to apply your new drawing skills to a wide range of subject matter including botanicals and birds.

There's even an introduction to basic figure drawing.

Who this course is for: Anyone wanting to learn to draw.

Recommended for adults and determined teens.

Painters! The best way to improve your painting is by learning to draw.

Anyone interested in seriously pursuing art.


This course is for absolute beginners and intermediate level artists seeking to improve their fundamental skills.


Aarav Lynn

Aarav Lynn

Senior Software Engineer



Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit.

Ben Hadley

Ben Hadley

Technical Operations Officer



Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.

Kate Morrison

Kate Morrison

Java Developer

United States


Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.