Electricity & electronics - Robotics

Open career opportunities and have fun learning electronics

4.8 (8 ratings)
326 students enrolled
Created by Aarav Lynn
Last updated 23.03.2020
English, Indonesian
English, Indonesian
€32.18 €139.90 (77% off)
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This course includes
10 hours on-demand video
1 articles
30 downloadable resource
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion
What you'll learn
Develop and build analog electronics circuits
You will build multiple circuits from sound buzzers to bionics where we actually control a servo motor by reading signals from your muscles
Solve kinematic models; plan geometrical paths and dynamic trajectories; tune motion control systems; calibrate tools and cells.
Solve Real World Problems Using Combinations and Permutations
We focus on a standard 6-axes anthropomorphic robot, because is one of the most commonly used robots in the industry
One of the most complicated ones, so that once you understand how this one works you should be able to solve models for all the others.


Learn how an industrial 6-axes anthropomorphic robot works.

We will start by building its kinematic model step-by-step, then plan geometrical paths and optimize motion trajectories.

We will learn how to correctly size the electric motors and understand the fine-tuning procedures for the servo drives.

We will describe calibration procedures for the arm, tool and cell, and finally generate a realistic digital twin for your simulations!


This class is not too complicated and you should be able to follow along quite easily if you have a good base of mathematics: specifically, trigonometry, linear algebra and some calculus.

Basic programming skills would also be nice, but are not strictly required. This is not a programming class and you will be able to follow along until the end even if you don’t program a single line of code, but for sure it would be much nicer and beneficial for you if you implement the models we study here into real code, and test them on a real or simulated robot. C is normally the language of choice in the industry, but the final call is totally up to you.


Aarav Lynn

Aarav Lynn

Senior Software Engineer



Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit.

Kate Morrison

Kate Morrison

Java Developer

United States


Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

Ben Hadley

Ben Hadley

Technical Operations Officer



Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.


Course Rating: 4.8